We offer free help to immigrant women and their families through non-therapeutic counseling and information on resources regarding financial issues, legal issues, immigration issues and more. We help immigrant women who live in abusive situations to find options and safety. In partnership with the City of Edmonton we offer a drop-in support group for abused women. We have volunteer interpreters for our clients who need it.

- Bi-cultural Parenting: the challenge of raising children in two cultures in Canada.
- Prevention of Family Violence: the different types of abuse and laws in Canada. The workshop material can be adapted to suit a wide range of people with various English skills: from beginner ESL learners to people with standard English comprehension.
- Training the Trainer workshops: We provide training to other service providers and volunteers who wish to learn how to facilitate workshops on the topics described above.
Pre-employment Training Program

Volunteer Support Program

English Classes

Computer Classes

To register for computer class, contact Dany at: