

We offer free help to immigrant women and their families through non-therapeutic counseling and information on resources regarding financial issues, legal issues, immigration issues and more. We help immigrant women who live in abusive situations to find options and safety. In partnership with the City of Edmonton we offer a drop-in support group for abused women. We have volunteer interpreters for our clients who need it.

We Offer Free Workshops on the Following Topics Anywhere in Edmonton Upon Request

  • Bi-cultural Parenting: the challenge of raising children in two cultures in Canada.
  • Prevention of Family Violence: the different types of abuse and laws in Canada. The workshop material can be adapted to suit a wide range of people with various English skills: from beginner ESL learners to people with standard English comprehension.
  • Training the Trainer workshops: We provide training to other service providers and volunteers who wish to learn how to facilitate workshops on the topics described above.


Pre-employment Training Program

Making Changes Program is a pre-employment, life skill orientation program with an English component. It is a two weeks program requiring four days a week or once a week for eight weeks for a total 48 hours.

Who can attend the program?

An immigrant woman who arrived in Canada less than three years,
has taken an English language assessment test,
scored at least a level 3 of the Canadian language Benchmarks (LINC).

The course offers:

Counseling to help you find what is right for you.
Opportunity to develop your English language skills.
Opportunities in class to practice difficult situation, e.g. a job interview or proper telephone etiquette.
Information about community agencies and services.
Information about going back to school, returning to work, or changing your job.
Continued support after the course to help you carry out your plan.

Volunteer Support Program

The Volunteer Support Program is the only program in the City of Edmonton specifically designed to serve immigrant women by helping them to acquire new skills in their new country, and eventually to secure employment of their choice in Canada.

Short Term Benefit

Identify strengths and transferable skills
Gain knowledge/skills and Canadian work experience
Gain self-confidence and self-esteem
Increase the number of contacts and friends
Determine a path to best maximize foreign credentials to the local job market
Use these opportunities to research choices and options for both appropriate community resources and employment options
Improves volunteers understanding of Canadian culture
Practice English and increased awareness of the Edmonton community
Reduce isolation

Long Term Benefit

Have made choices based on knowledge and experience that allows full participation in Canadian society
Women occupy leadership roles in the community
Women work in their own field or in a meaningful position
Women achieve their goals


English Classes

English as a Second Language (ESL) program

Changing Together offers classes to women who are interested in improving their English language skills. The focus is on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Our instructors are qualified individuals who make learning a new language a wonderful experience.
Levels:  Basic Literacy, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4

Class Time:

Basic Literacy: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Level 1: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Level 2: Monday and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Level 3: Monday and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Level 4: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Funded by: Edmonton Community Adult learning Association (ECALA).

Conversation Class

Conversation class builds friendships with women from other cultures, practicing speaking the English Language, sharing information.
Levels: Basic Level, Advanced Level
Class Time: Tuesday and Friday Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Funded by: Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA)

Computer Classes

Time: Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Changing Together provides basic, intermediate, and advanced computer training classes:

Basic Computer Training

The course objective is to provide instructor led basic computer training to immigrant and senior women who have little or no experience in using operating systems, such as Windows and who would like an introduction to the newest operating system on the market. Students would also learn how to access the Internet, to use search engines to access information and other general applications.

IntermEdiate Computer Training

The course objective is providing intermediate Windows and office classes for immigrant and senior women who know the basic principles of using a Windows computer. Students would learn how to use Microsoft Windows and Office. Also they will learn how to serve the Internet, working with e-mail and other applications (Word, PowerPoint and outlook)

Advanced Computer Training

The course objective is providing advanced Windows and office classes for immigrant and senior women who know the intermediate principles of using a Windows computer. Students would learn how to use professionally Microsoft Windows and Office. They will learn how to create a professional letter by using Microsoft word and create a slide show presentation by using PowerPoint. Also immigrant will learn how to create spreadsheet in Excel and how to edit and format cells and calculate formulas.

To register for computer class, contact Dany at:


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